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This would be its subject related to the arguments of both textual criticism and the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Vg text: VII century Responsoria de Tobia (PL 78:0835A–B) of Pope Gregory the great, a fine catena of Tobit texts composed for liturgical prayer, uses mostly Vg texts of Tobit and thus witnesses to both the quick reception of the Vg text in the ancient Church and in particular of its peculiar Tobit version. I will then highlight other effects of the Vg of Tobit at different geographical areas in the following centuries up to the low Middle Ages, passing through Vg's reception in Medieval Jewry up to the Renaissance. The Council of Trent's reception and "canonisation" of the Vg as the official liturgical text of the Western Church emerges thus as the reaching point of a fruitful historical process.